Saturday, 09 April 2022, Views: 4,736
Pet guide for Torva - 2023
Starter Pets Initially, I would recommend using any pet you're able to get. You'll get pet boxes from doing globals / vote bosses, use one of these until you can reach one of these:
Raids 1 Pets
Bob the Blob - 10% Tribrid Damage inside Raids 1
Ring Master - 10% Tribrid Damage inside Raids 1
Omega Box Pets
Bender - 2% Critical Chance & 2% Drop Rate
Zeno - 2% Tribrid Damage & 2% Drop Rate
Gengar - 5% Drop Rate
Sasuke - 5% Melee Damage & 3% Drop Rate
Madara - 5% Magic Damage & 3% Drop Rate
Wraith - 5% Ranged Damage & 3% Drop Rate
Generally use Gengar for the extra drop rate in zones where you don't need additional DPS, and use Zeno elsewhere. Bender isn't worth using until higher critical damage % amounts.
Raids 2 Pets
Mammoth - Skips Mammoth Room by interacting with the fountain before the cave
Ice Gecko - Doubles damage inside final boss room of Raids 2 every 15 seconds
Dino - 10% Tribrid damage inside Raids 2
End Game Pets
Rayquaza - 15% Tribrid damage & 5% Drop Rate
Sacred Pet - 16% Tribrid damage, 7% Drop Rate & 10% Bonus Drop Rate on Sacred NPCs
Ice Dragon - 7% Tribrid damage outside of Raids 2 & provides all Raids 2 individual pet effects
Eternal Pet - 20% Tribrid damage, 10% Drop Rate & Combined pet effects of Rayquaza, Sacred Pet and Ice Dragon - This is the BiS pet in the game!
From Torva Staff Team